The release of FFXVI is like SE have just LM-17ed me. It is plan simple for me that FFXI will be my first MMO and my last MMO, and I am so glade that there will be no charcter transfer from XI > XVI(Greatest news for my wife haha). In the pass 5yrs there were so many precious memories I will like to drop them here.
1. Received my FFXI pack from Rapboy as my Bday present
2. Seeing taru nuked the fook outta beastmans from opening (Taru yes pls LOL)
3. Created my little blonde taru
4. Viewing my new born Taru @ Port Sandy. (Got so lost)
5. Friends teaching me how to Magic Burst in Dune
6. Limit breaks and bagging for help for Blm AFs
7. /sh Ash wood log for sell follow by /clap every 30sec (LMAO)
8. Aquilo's Staff & Pluto's Staff
9. Dinged 75 after a yr with Fazxx, Twinsgundum, Zgear, Nalinomi, douhk
10.Dreams of lvling Nin and received a signed cloak from Sephirothxi
11.Burn PT @ KRT
12.First Faf with TLW and got A.hand... but took a 6month break right away >. >
13.Dinged 75 Nin after ToAU
14.Leeched 3 6 9 9 9 Str from friends in bird camp lol
15.Completed PM4-X > PM8-X in few months with Skl, Solopy (Hardest mission imo)
16.1/1 on PCC haha
17.Dinged 75Pld and War after WoTG rolle out (2yrs of slowly lvling).
18.Free drop of Sorcerer's Coat from Tav on May2009 with Trutle
18.Tanked Odin, Kirin, 4gods, Omega, Jailers, ZNM, SCNM
19.Valhalla Helm on 25th May 09'
20.Finally have come to an end for Oman (1-July-2004 ~ X-June-2009)
Rest in peace and might reborn in FFXVI as a Galka!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Farewell, O!!!
Posted by
11:54 PM
Labels: General
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
7 man Unstable Cluster
This is the suggested formation for ppl who dont have 10+ frds to help out.
Rng/nin x 2
Cure walts and cure2 spam, and mages help to make sure tank has 80% HP at all time
Dispell Refueling
barfira and shell from whm
Fire carol from brd
Surprisedly this formation worked wonderfully well, mp wasnt an issue but without any of fire carol or barfira tank can be in serious shit. Spaced out Shadowbind, ES+SLP, Repose if the tank is down (I was able to recovered x2 ... XD).
Hope it helps and now pray Soboro sukehiro to drop :3
Posted by
7:29 PM
Labels: Tactics
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Huge buff on Whm T- T
WTF Whm is getting huge buffs in next update (37whm gogogog~)... where are my Nin and Blm's new JA / Magic? From the time being it looks like Curing with SS effect on target is freaking leet which any tanks shall luv to have a whm in their pt now. No comments on other JA / spells yet and might have to wait and see how they perform.
Any one of the following for Nin would make me luv my nin again:
i) Range WS
ii) LVL 3 element wheels where Dmg over >60 and <100 with really good ninjasu setup for hihger lvl mobs or even HNMs
iii)Useful JA or enhance our 2hr
iv) Review TP floor for duel weaponer
lolblm wish list would be:
i) Any JA / Spells which can benifit to other members during events, cos the impression on blm now are plan nuker ONLY. So 90% blm I met have forgotten other spells like cure, erase, stun, na-spells.
Come on SE those jobs have been from most WANTED jobs to where ppl now trying to avoid...!
Posted by
11:37 PM
Labels: General
Monday, February 16, 2009
Long gone taru~
Finally there is a reason to blog again cos I read that blogging is good for your health lol.
The truth for blogging again is due to the fact that FFXI community is dying, most threads on how to be a better [insert job here] are mostly outdated. Therefor I might just share some of my little tricks or ideas to help out new FFer.
After playing Blm and Nin as my main for 4yrs+, I must admit they dont shine as they use to be anymore and decided to migrate to War + Pld. All of my later blogs shall focus on tuning / setuping my War and Pld, unless ppl are interested in my Nin/Blm setup. Please note my blogs are for gerneral purposes only and not intended for adv. ffer out there, so if any 1337 happens to drop by pls dont FLAME me but are always welcome to comment on my setup/tricks.
Posted by
8:06 PM
Labels: General
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Parry thread

Posted by
6:18 AM
Labels: Parry thread
Friday, February 15, 2008
Absolute Vitue finally
SE is kind enough to release the long waited AV vid early this week. After been reading various forums and I have found following pattens mentioned, and indeed AV seems to be really smart on combining multiple 2hrs to slaughter us.
invinc > bene > mijin
mighty strikes > hundred fists
meikyo shisui > eagle eye shot * 3
chainspell > soul voice
chainspell > manafront ( and would do comet > comet > meteor most of the time as long as there were targets in range) <<> familiar > astral flow(did nothing)
The only thing I notice is that all 1st 2hr are not that deadly, until combining with 2nd or 3rd 2hr which must lead to a total wipe. Will it be possible to lock his 2hrs by following/fulfiling his/her patten? Seems like after locking his/her 2hr, AV will be history in Vana'diel w.
Posted by
1:35 AM
Labels: AV