Is been awhile havent update my blog, cos really there arent that much to write T- T. NII + Ein + Sky as usual and recently started Salvage with Ls core members, is been enjoyable altho I didnt get shit from any events lol.
Also been skilling up on my parry for better surviability (You know Taru right.. . ), so packed my def eq and gave Chigoe a try, which I think is quite impressive. It was a def/vit build instead of -phy build with phalax + regen3, after I realized -dmg build just doesnt work that well with ep~dc mobs. Skillup was ok with an avg of a level for each hr., even though dmg were < 10 but it was still hard for me to cast phalax(Thats the reason why only tanking 1 Chigoe at a time, possibly 2 with Phalax2/phalaxga). Anyway here is the SS with my setup and dmg from Chigoe