Friday, February 15, 2008

Absolute Vitue finally

SE is kind enough to release the long waited AV vid early this week. After been reading various forums and I have found following pattens mentioned, and indeed AV seems to be really smart on combining multiple 2hrs to slaughter us.

invinc > bene > mijin
mighty strikes > hundred fists
meikyo shisui > eagle eye shot * 3
chainspell > soul voice
chainspell > manafront ( and would do comet > comet > meteor most of the time as long as there were targets in range) <<> familiar > astral flow(did nothing)

The only thing I notice is that all 1st 2hr are not that deadly, until combining with 2nd or 3rd 2hr which must lead to a total wipe. Will it be possible to lock his 2hrs by following/fulfiling his/her patten? Seems like after locking his/her 2hr, AV will be history in Vana'diel w.

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